
Naast de verschillende dienstverleningen aan de Vlaamse overheid dragen de onderzoekers van ECOOM ook bij tot het academisch onderzoek in verschillende onderzoeksdomeinen.

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Winkler, A.E., Levin, S.G., Stephan, P.E., Glänzel, W. (2014)

Publishing Trends in Economics across Colleges and Universities, 1991-2007

In: Eastern Economic Journal, 40(4), pp. 560–582

2014 - Bibliometrie - KU Leuven

Amez, L. (2013)

Citation Patterns for Social Sciences and Humanities Publications

In: Proceedings of ISSI 2013, 14th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference, Vienna, Austria, 15-19 July 2013, Juan Gorraiz, Edgar Schiebel, Christian Gumpenberger, Marianne Hörlesberger, Henk Moed (Eds.), Vol. 2, PP; 1891-1893
ISBN-ISSN: 978-3-200-03135-7

2013 - VUB

Amez, L. (2013)

Citations of social sciences and humanities publications in the Flemish Academic Bibliographic Database

In: Translational Twists and Turns: Science as a socio-economic endeavor, Proceedings of the 13th STI conference, Berlin Germany, 4-6 September, Sybille Hinze & André Lottmann (Eds.), pp: 496 - 499
ISBN-ISSN: 1864-2799

2013 - VUB

Amez, L., Van Kerckhoven, B., Ysebaert, W. (2013)

Artistic Expositions within Academia: Challenges, Functionalities, Implications and Threats

In: The Exposition of Artistic Research: Publishing Art in Academia. Michael Schwab and Henk Borgdorff (Eds.), published by: Leiden University Press, published at: Leiden
ISBN-ISSN: 978-90-8728-164-9, 2013, pp. 118-135

2013 - VUB

Andries, P., Bruylant, A., Delanote, J., Hoskens, M. (2013)

Innovation efforts of Flemish enterprises: Core results of the CIS2011 survey

In: Debackere K., Veugelers R. (Eds.), Flemish Indicator Book on Science, Technology and Innovation, Chapt. 9. Brussels (Belgium): Flemish Government, pp. 145-160

2013 - Innovatiestudies - KU Leuven

Andries, P., Bruylant, A., Delanote, J., Hoskens, M., Van Criekingen, K., Vanhaverbeke, S. (2013)

R&D activities of Flemish enterprises

In: Debackere K., Veugelers R. (Eds.), Flemish Indicator Book on Science, Technology and Innovation, Chapt. 5. Brussels (Belgium): Flemish Government, pp. 71-90

2013 - Innovatiestudies - KU Leuven

Andries, P., Debackere, K. (2013)

Business model innovation: propositions on the appropriateness of different learning approaches
In: Creativity and Innovation Management, 22 (4), pp. 337-358

2013 - KU Leuven

Andries, P., Debackere, K., Dengis, P., Hoskens, M., Viaene, P. (2013)

The total R&D expenditures in Flanders: GERD

In: Debackere K., Veugelers R. (Eds.), Flemish Indicator Book on Science, Technology and Innovation 2013, Chapt. 7. Brussels (Belgium): Flemish Government, pp. 109-118

2013 - Innovatiestudies - KU Leuven

Andries, P., Debackere, K., Larosse, J. (2013)

Dossier 6: Slimme specialisatie: Beleid op de doorsnede van innovatiebeleid en industriebeleid

In: Debackere K., Veugelers R. (Eds.), Vlaams Indicatorenboek 2013. Brussels (Belgium): Vlaamse Overheid, pp. 261-265

2013 - Innovatiestudies - KU Leuven

Andries, P., Debackere, K., Van Looy, B. (2013)

Simultaneous experimentation as a learning strategy: Business model development under uncertainty

In: Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 7 (4), pp. 288-310

2013 - Innovatiestudies - KU Leuven